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Line Jumper Mechanical Components Nokia C5

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Jumper Technique Tricks On Your Nokia C5 
Below we will give you tips and tricks to repair some damage on Nokia phones by providing some technical C5 jumpers on each component on the Nokia C5 if you have a breaking point.

Solution Damage On Your Nokia MMC C5 
Here we will give you tips and tricks on how to repair the damage nokia phone C5 MMC, MMC damage is usually just because some components were damaged, which eventually attached Memory Card can not be read by the phone itself, while the components of what can cause the MMC is not readable, these components are: C3205, R3200, C3200, C2280, these components can be altered or attempted to re-solder because there may be tenuous possibility.

Repair Solutions Radio and Bluetooth On Your Nokia C5 
Look at the C5 nokia phone was damaged in the operation of radio and Bluetooth operations, it means the damage is non-functioning of the radio functions and functions available on the nokia bluetooth C5, while the solution is to examine the components that are directly related to the function of radio and bluetooth function.

Repair Solutions LCD Lamps In The Nokia C5 
Talking about the mobile defects can not be separated from one of the most common problem on phones like the darkness of the LCD screen, this could happen because the LCD is damaged or just a supporter of LCD component damage, the damage is often caused by damage to the LCD lighting components supporters such as the Nokia C5 are some components that can cause the LCD backlight off, this component is: C2456 and C2457.

Repair Solutions Button Keypad On Your Nokia C5 
Here we are Tabloid phone market will give tips on how to overcome the damage to the keypad buttons of the phone Nokia C5, damage to the keypad buttons may vary, eg, all button does not work or only some buttons are not working, this could be just because the keypad keypad dirty or have broken lines, here we will give schematic diagram nokia keypad lines C5 and the supporting components which can cause damage to the C5 nokia keypad functions, this component include: Z4404, Z4405.

Repair Solutions Charging On Your Nokia No. C5
 Damage to the C5 nokia phone is actually the same as damage to another phone model, for example, can not fill battry or commonly known as No Charging, No Charging damage is often caused simply because the fuse or fuse is broken, this could be because the charger adapter that is used is not stable, to fix a broken fuse, you can replace the resistor that serves as a fuse on nokia phone C5, the resistor has a code R2071.

Damage Repair Solution Mic On Your Nokia C5 
Solution to repair damage to the microphone nokia phone C5 is to check the related components on the microphone, this is condensator supporting components and resistors, because this component is damaged or has been weak, it can cause the sound received by the other person we would be very small or even may cause our voices are not heard, damage to the microphone itself is indeed very possible, but we do not necessarily have to replace the microphone directly before we make sure the components of his supporters certainly good, for sure you can check or replace it if it is damaged, the component It has a code R2856, C2115, C2116. 

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