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Flashing Sony Ericsson Z200 and T610 Series

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Here is how to / tutorial Sony Ericsson Flashing
Flashing Sony Ericsson Z200 Series Type ATRZ
· Enter a language such as files or data 200_126734_r6c_con3.bis
on part1 and part2 200_126734_r6c_fix3 on
· Connect the phone with flasher box and press the Go button
· Wait until the finish, to end press the Stop button and the phone ready to be released
· Enter a language such as files or data 200_126734_r6c_con3.bis  

on part1 and part2 200_126734_r6c_fix3 on
· Connect the phone with flasher box and press the Go button
· Wait until the finish, to end press the Stop button and the phone ready to be released.

Flashing Sony Ericsson T610 series RTP Type
· Enter MCU files like T610_132233_r4c003_Emea6.bis 

and a file modem like T610_132233_r4c003_modem.bih
 · Select the column scenario MCU + Modem
· Connect phone and press the Go button, wait until the process is complete
· Click Stop to release mobile phone

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