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Component Functions phones DCT3-DCT4-WD2-BB5-Tiku

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RAP3G (3G Radio Application Processor)

Function: The Processor Subsystem (PSS) To Process MCU (Micro Control Unit) and DSP (Digital Signal Processor) RAP3G Main Processor is the processing of 3G Cellular System, RAP3G save CRT (Certificate ID) and the IMEI as the Nokia BB5 security.

Damage Symptoms: Symptoms Can Cause Damage phones often Hang, Blank, Restart, no signal, Contact Service, Contact Retailer, Sim Not Valid. It also can cause RAP3G Mobile Total Death, and if it needs replacing RAP3G Restore Certificate.

Function: Used as a storage ISA Code SW, Data Files tunning PMM or Code Value and CDSP SW.

Save CMT NOR FLASH MCU, CRT (Certificate ID) and IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) For Your Nokia BB5 Security, Data SW CMT NOR FLASH will be accessed directly by RAP3G

Damage Symptoms: Symptoms Can Cause Damage phones often Hang, Blank, Restart, no signal, Contact Service, Contact Retailer, Sim Not Valid, and Total Death. To Fix this damage, you have to do flashing first.


Function: In Memory of dynamic for the ISA software that will Accessing Data CMT from NOR FLASH to RAP3G. CMT SDRAM will be accessed directly by RAP3G.

Symptoms of Damage: Damage caused by the SDRAM will usually cause the phone Hang, Restart, hard in the boot process when turned on, or just appear on the LCD says "Nokia" or even to Death Total. Initial solution that has to do is do a 'Reset' or Formating the phone by using the Software Help.

HELEN / OMAP (Open Multimedia Application Processor)

FUNCTION: This component serves to process the Application Engine (APE) on Nokia phones that use or Two Dual Engine Processor. OMAP is a second processor that was instrumental in processing the entire user interface

SYMPTOMS OF DAMAGE: Damage caused by this component is damaged in some functions such as: Bluetooth, Camera, Memory Card, LCD, Keypad, USB Interface, and can even be Dead Total

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